Curriculum vitae


Field assistant (Fältassistent) at Swedish Agriculture University, Section of reindeer research in Storuman sept 1976 - july 1977.

Teaching assistant (Assistent), Department Ecological Botany, University of Umeå, june 1978 - july 1985 (50 %), 1985.07.01-1986.06.30 (40 %) and 1986.07.01-1987.06.31 (20%).

Assistant professor (Forskningsassistent), Department Ecological Botany, University of Umeå, 1987.07.01-1992.08.14

Associate professor (1. amanuensis), Department of Botany (later Department of Biology), University of Trondheim (later Norwegian University of Science and Technology), from 1992.08.15-1999.04.30. Thereafter full professor at the same place.